
roadtrip from calif to hyde park ny

Saturday, October 13, 2007

saddest post of all....

sigh, well, Angel doggie is a star up in the sky now. She decided she was ready for the big time on her own. We were in Arizona and she wandered off about 1/4 mile and layed down and went to sleep. She is buried there with her tennis ball. I was lucky that Ed was there. Three grandsons were there to dig her grave and give me consolation. We had a ceremony and then went in to eat. are some photos of Angel enjoying life. Also a photo of her final resting place.

this is at carlevaro beach

big sur

at Ed's place

I'm going to start another blog sometime soon and I'll let you know where to find it. Thanks for visiting this one for the last couple of years. It's been fun : ) Dominique

Friday, February 09, 2007


ahh...tis Friday. Weather is warming up. plants are in the garden. I should take some warm weather photos after all of those cold ones. Today I think I'm going to head over to Native Seed Search in Tuscon-- perhaps snap a photo or two. Tuscon is a cute town. Even though it's big too, I like it much better than Phoenix. It's about an hour from here.

.....So, my brain is brimming with ideas of the micro business nature these days. Even so micro as to include making lanterns out of the tin cans out here. Stef got a big laugh out of that one. I bought a little statue made in Mexico and I've named her Paloma. She is the inspiration for a free trade retail/coffee shop and public access TV show! The store name would be Paloma and I'd do a TV show of me out in the world purchasing in foreign languages. I was afraid to tell Stefano about that idea. I'm only feeding him a few ideas at a time.

My career....ooh la's taking a day off. I went to a newly opened wine bar in Casa Grande to see if they needed any help. I met a lot of warm and friendly people, they thought I was groovy, but I didn't leave with a job. I left having volunteered for a fund raising cooking program and $27 poorer from the bottle of wine I was nice to get out and finally admit to someone I needed a job. I didn't ask outright, at first, because there is already a worker girl in there. I ended up asking directly and letting the owner know I could even help out with administrative stuf if she needed....we'll see. It would just be a little part-timey thing. Going for a glass of Friday vino today..a glass only, no bottles! In any case, I was given a suggestion and a name, which I'm following up on, at a golf course...well yeah, there are many more opportunities in California and I'm just fiddling around out in Arizona. (do you feel the guilt seeping in here?) There are some great places here too, but I'm still in my noncommittal stage.
Okay, me cut up some wood and plan another garden plot now before heading south to Tuscon
: ) domo in the desert

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Domo in the Desert

well, I look like a weirdo here. I think I was tired of having my picture taken. Silas and Juila again and a big scarey cloud that had hail in it.


No snow, but coldy, cold out here just the same. A photographer came out to the place and did a photoshoot. Here are a couple of pix of me. I guess this is what I look like now. At least what I look like when I'm cold......

The little kiddles are two of Ed's grandchildren, Julia and Silas.

Friday, January 19, 2007

la tourista

happy to be in the shadow of Mt. Tamalpias again!

city by the bay...journey

Lisa on the ferry to SF. We went took the ferry to have lunch at one of the groovy restos in the ferry building. We were hoping to lunch with Stef, but he hadn't had his coffee hee haw. Went to Sur la Table and oggled all of the fun cooking stuff. The items on sale were still too expensive. I ended up going with him to get his coffee, had lunch, Lisa enjoyed a nice quiet time at Mijita restaurant (no mint in the albondigas there).

running with my posse

my pack, out on our morning walk.

home on the range it is, a propane oven and stove to make my cookies and cakes in. no wood, no progress with the clay oven, but I made a mean leg of lamb in the new one.

quiet days in the desert

quiet days, contemplating, cooking, embroidering, walks with the dogs, starting to jog again, staying warm, burning lots of wood.

there is some order starting to appear out of the chaos of my thoughts and I'm able to report that I'm feeling content with riding out whatever is going on and getting ready for my next step.

It has been COLD out here. The dogs water bowls have been freezing about an inch's worth of ice on them in the mornings. The little lemon tree is having a hard time. Lost a major branch and was affected by the frost, fig tree lost it's leaves, but there is still hope : )

There was running water in the house (hot from the solar water heater, and cold from the water tank), but the pipe froze and broke the valve so it's back to fetching water from outside. I got pretty used to being able to turn on the is on the way though. Ed to replace the valve this weekend. My fingertips are getting toughened up and used to cooking tortillas on a hot griddle, getting burnt on the pot when heating water for the bath and working in the garden. I am still using my French face moisturizer, preserving some of the prettiness that seems to go so fast out here. I think I smell better than anyone in Casa Grande, at least more moisturized than anyone else!

Ed did a poetry reading at the Elk's Lodge last week. They had a literary evening and wine tasting. I'm amazed we went, but it was something different to do. Seemed like you have to smoke at least a pack of cigarettes a day to be a member of the Elks. It was pretty funny seeing everyone sitting at their tables and walking around with their cigarettes. There are still some glitter glam gals out there waving around their cigarettes while they hold the microphone. Anyhoo...I was invited to join. Fancy that, but I'm not ready to get emphesima yet.

Even though no exciting news from Paris for you, I'm doing this entry to have a record of what is going on post paris, post life dream, pre new life dream, pre next geographic location.

Warm and cozy thoughts, D

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

slackerville, what is the meaning of life, in arizona

I'm in Arizona now with Angel, trying to keep warm. It's 28 outside and a warm 50ish inside, after the fire being lit for 2 1/2 hours. woke Ed early so he could get it going before I emerged from my warm, snuggly nest. I actually don't have anything to do all day. I thought that would be a good thing, but, it really isn't that great. I did have fun taking the dogs for a walk in the desert this morning, singing at the top of my lungs a rolling stones song, and I thought while I was singing, I'd never be able to do that in Paris (especially with the outfit I had on!).

I guess my project today is to get the wood oven fired up and start experimenting with baking bread in it. I'm glad I have internet out here so I don't have to go to town to research bread recipes (which are somewhere in a box, probably being delivered by donkey from Paris as it's taking so long).

Struggling with decision, future, career, etc. I think there's also a little culture shock happening. I see our president wants to expand the army which makes me worry about Stefano. Nothing like living in fear. Paris was nice that way, not as much terrorist propaganda. The people there seemed to feel safe, secure, content even. Blah, blah, blah...

I'm here in a good place to contemplate, the desert is quiet, the skies are clear, I can hear the train whistle in the distance. Sun is shining and the weather is good.

more later, Dominique

This rock formation is in the San Bernandino forest...? Anyway, it was fun driving through this part of the road. There were rocks in either side of the road.  Posted by Picasa

On the road again. Joshua trees and clouds on a cold, clear day. Tehachapi pass was closed, due to snow, so I drove down to Lancaster on 138 and cut across. The mountains were pretty all covered with snow. Posted by Picasa

Castro Valley, artichoke capitol OF THE WORLD! According to California. Here is an artichoke all dressed up for Chirstmas. Posted by Picasa

Yum, deep fried artichoke hearts, and a big old artichoke the old fashioned way. At school in France, we cut off the leaves, shocking I know, so I couldn't wait to get back in the states, back to artichokes with their leaves. almost went in to the Beach Boys California Girl song there for a minute. Posted by Picasa

Fruit stand in Castroville. Pretty cute displays (I think). Posted by Picasa

more happy doggie on vacation photo Posted by Picasa

Yay! It's Angel's vacation again! Here she is at Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The promised land...San Rafael. Posted by Picasa

Ahhhh...on the plane at last. My big suitcase was 10 kilos too heavy, so they had me take out those 10 kilos at the check in desk. I almost lost it. At least they didn't ask me to take off my new shoes (lace ups) from Barcelona.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 04, 2006

Receiving my diploma. Not a good hair day, but I made it! Posted by Picasa

party after graduation, with 2 chefs & stef  Posted by Picasa